Early this morning, Greenpeace activists have once again scaled the oil rig. This time 18 people left the Esperanza in five inflatable speed boats, dodged the navy warship circling the rig, and climbed on to the rig. Their mission - to find Cairn's elusive oil spill response plan. Cairn is hiding it, so we're going to the one place where there must be a copy of it!
We would like to ask for your help. Tell Bill Gammell, CEO of Cairn Energy, that he needs to stop trying to infringe on the right of peaceful protest, and to publish his oil spill response plan. We will present this petition to Cairn Energy.
Please take action by signing this petition now...
The time window for intervention is very short, as we believe that the injunction could be served next Monday, June 6th.
Thanks for your support,
Iris Cheng
Energy campaigner, on board the Esperanza
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